- 答:哈哈……
- 答:软件行业,北京最缺这样的人才
发展可以说几乎弄什么成什么,只要你好好干! - 答:某某行业应用情况?请详细说下你的问题
- 答:Headaches: Multifold. Apple is still a pip-squeak to the Wintel Goliath. With less than 10 percent of puter market, Apple needs to lure more software makers into producing programs for the Mac. pany has cut about as much as it can. Now it has a tougher job: Make sales grow. And what's the follow-up? Jobs probably also hasn't been spending as much as he should on research and development. Finally, where is his essor? Pixar, a collegial place, can run without him--but what about Apple? Not a good place for a boss who refuses to remove the "interim" prefix from his CEO title